Skills & Technology

I've included skills I'm currently expanding on, and technologies I love working with. The most rewarding part of Software Engineering is being able to apply the discipline acquired from my craft to learn new technologies and other none-technical skills.

System Analysis & Design

I have experience in application design & analysis methodologies, researching & designing APIs, setting up efficient infrastructures and applying knowledge management techniques to solve problems.

Software Engineering

My experience in diverse industries has helped me learn more than a handful of skills. These skills include open source technologies like: PHP, Golang, Javascript, MySQL/MariaDB.

System Integration

I have experience in writing custom APIs and integrating with 3rd-Party application interfaces(APIs), and using these skills to efficiently aid with cross-system communication.

Software Maintenance & Deployment

I have experience in maintaining, re-writing, deploying and maintaining large code bases and setting up environments. I also have experience working with legacy code.


What am I currently using?

I really enjoy working on back-end projects and using GoLang wherever and whenever I can. Part of my learning objectives includes continually improving my skills in Golang, VueJS, Flutter, Dart, Laravel. I'm constantly reading and taking courses to achieve expertise in these technologies. Every now and then, I'll keep track of my progress via my blog.

Technology Stacks I'm interested in

I'm actively using the tech stacks below. I'm also taking courses to continually increase my knowledge of these technologies.

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